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56 Reviews

Jean-Philippe Beaulieu

4 months ago

Really practical and easy to use

Jocelyne R

2 months ago

Super practical as a website. We select the carriers that interest us, at the price that suits us best, according to our needs. Very easy to use, which allows you to quickly sort through the different possible choices. Recommended!

Daphnée Laliberté

2 months ago

GREAT SERVICE! I recently moved and after my fruitless search for residential Internet I contacted them and they did some research to help me! Congratulations on building this product!

Talel Amira

4 months ago

Simple and fast. I did the research and it got me out of the traditional vultures

Owan Lavigne

2 months ago

Excellent site to shop for Internet and cellular plans based on your location!

chantale bernard

4 months ago

Excellent to compare and to save time and money. Gives us great bargaining power with our current provider. If this is your case, this app is essential.

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